2025/26 RENEWAL – Yearly or 1/2 Year – Standard/Regular Membership Dues



Renewal Dues from April 1st, to April 1st, if your an existing Fremont Elks #2121 Member, you can renew your dues online. Pay your dues on or before April, 1st and you’re covered until the next March 31.

  1. Full Year Dues – Current Dues 12 Months = $173.00
  2. 1/2 Year Dues – 1st Six Months Dues (April thru Sept) 6 Months = $100.00
    1/2 Year Dues – 2nd Six Months Dues (Oct thru March) 6 Months = $73.00
  3. Handling Fee = $2.50 (per transaction) = 1/2 Year or $5.00 = Full Year

Required Amount Full Year Due Per GL Statutes, Lodge Bylaws & Handling Fee: $178.00

If you do not wish to pay the online handling fee, you can always just “Write a Check” for $173.00 to the “Fremont Elks Lodge”

Please mail check to: Fremont Elks Lodge – 38991 Farwell Dr, Fremont, CA 94536

You can now pay your Yearly/Annual dues to the Fremont Elks Lodge #2121. For your convenience, we now have an online option for dues. Now no matter where you are, or how hectic life has gotten, you can easily connect with your home town lodge on the run. Elks Care – Elks Share- Come Run With The Herd!



Donation – ENF (Elks National Foundation) Fund

The ENF help youth develop lifelong skills, send students to college, meet the needs of today’s veterans, support the charitable work of the state Elks associations, and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.

Donation – Major Project / Purple Pig Fund

The California-Hawaii Elks Purple Pig Fund addresses the unmet needs of children with disabilities by developing a program of supporting services to aid these children at no cost to their families.

Donation – Disaster Relief Fund

Contributions to the fund provide support for Elks Lodges that have been affected by a declared natural disaster in their area (i.e. wild fires, earthquakes, floods). This may be a result of a Grand Lodge request or a witnessed need to help. The purposeful need to provide assistance is defined by the Lodge Leadership and discussed with the Lodge Membership. A motion and a vote to provide assistance are required during a regular lodge meeting prior to granting assistance.

Donation – Charitable Donation

Charitable Donation

First and Last Name

Phone Number

Email Address

Elks Member Number

SKU: Standard/Regular Membership Dues Category:

Additional information


Full Year Payment, First 1/2 Year Payment, Second 1/2 Year Payment