The Fremont Elks Ladies Holiday Boutique
November 18th, 2017
9:00am – 3:00pm
Come on down and join us, it’s a great way to get your holiday shopping started “The Fun Way”. You never know what you may find, we have a little something for everyone.
30+ Vendor Tables, Bake Sale, Snack Bar, Drawings
And we can’t forget the “Purple Pig” Table, if you have some unwanted treasures you have cleaned out of your closets or garage, please donate them and we will find them a new home for them. We accept household items, toys, jewellery, knickknacks along with larger items.
We do not accept clothing.
If you are a baker, we would also appreciate your donations of cakes, cookies, brownies or any other baked item for our Sweets Table. These can be dropped off one day before event or that morning.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Rhonda Mello @ 510-828-9685
The Ladies Group is an entity within our Lodge for any women associated with the Lodge. It was originally formed before women were allowed to join Elkdom. The spouses of the officers would gather on meeting nights to socialize, play games, do crafts or whatever they felt they wished to do. As time has evolved, the ladies no longer meet on meeting nights, they meet on the third Monday of the month, at 7:30 p.m. where they still keep things low key and enjoy each other’s company. Each year, the Ladies host a holiday boutique, generally on the 3rd Saturday of November that brings a number of treasurers from handmade decorations, to handmade pottery, many sewn, knitted or crotched items. Along with the items that are made from the heart, we do have a few direct sale dealers to fulfill your every need. While you are shopping at our many vendors, we offer a Purple Pig table where we offer used items for sale and all proceeds from that table go to support our Major Project. We also feature a breakfast and lunch menu to keep the visitors nourished while they shop and allows them to end their shopping with our table full of homemade baked goods.
Over the years, through the money raised by the Ladies Group they have been able to purchase an outdoor fire pit for the Lodge, donate money to help purchase new tables, donate money to help purchase new chairs, remodel the sitting area of the ladies restroom, purchase the Elk statue that greets people as they enter the gates. Along with these donations, the Ladies Group has been very generous in the community with their donations. Some of the benefactors are HERS Foundation, Autism Speaks, George Mark Hospital, Sulphur Creek, Make A Wish Foundation, Once Upon a Child, and many other local charities.