The fire department expressed its gratitude for helping keep the Tri-City communities safe.
By Bea Karnes (Patch Staff)
NEWARK, CA — Members of the Fremont Elks Lodge #2121 gave Alameda County Firefighters a $2,000 Gratitude Grant from the Elks National Foundation.
The money was used to purchase a 165-lbs. survivor mannequin and a smoke machine to assist with firefighter training in Newark and Union City.
Fremont Elks Lodge President Steve Kay and Sergeant-at-Arms Stephen Kay Jr. made the presentation to firefighters on Sunday.
-Image via Alameda County Fire Department
In November 2016, the Fremont Elks were able to purchase a special training mannequin and a smoke machine to assist Alameda County Fire Department with some much needed training equipment. Through the Elks ENF Gratitude Grant, this dream became a reality. The training mannequin is a specially designed mannequin that allows the firefighters to practice the art of carrying a person from a structure to safety. By purchasing this mannequin, it eliminates the hazard of dropping a live person during training if something goes wrong. The smoke machine simulates the amount of smoke the department may encounter when entering a fully engulfed structure. It was our pleasure to partner with Alameda County Fire and present them with this gift to ensure the safety of the citizens in our community.
great job